
4天前·tomoveeasilyandquicklyacrossasurfacewhiletwistingorcurving:Shewatchedthesnakeslitheraway.,(ofbodies)tomoveeasilyandquicklyacrossasurfacewhiletwistingorcurving(軀體)蜿蜒而行,曲折滑行,slither例句​Thesnakequicklyslitheredintothebushes.那條蛇很快地爬進灌木叢裡。,1.tomoveorslideorcausetomoveorslideunsteadily,asonaslipperysurface2.(intransitive)totravelwithaslidingmotionnoun3.aslithering ...,v...

SLITHER | English meaning

4 天前 · to move easily and quickly across a surface while twisting or curving: She watched the snake slither away.

SLITHER in Traditional Chinese

(of bodies) to move easily and quickly across a surface while twisting or curving (軀體)蜿蜒而行,曲折滑行

slither (【動詞】使...滑行, 使...滑動)意思、用法及發音

slither 例句​ The snake quickly slithered into the bushes. 那條蛇很快地爬進灌木叢裡。

SLITHER definition and meaning

1. to move or slide or cause to move or slide unsteadily, as on a slippery surface 2. (intransitive) to travel with a sliding motion noun 3. a slithering ...

SLITHER Definition & Meaning

verb · to move or slide or cause to move or slide unsteadily, as on a slippery surface · intr to travel with a sliding motion.

Slither Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. to slide on or as if on a loose gravelly surface 2. to slip or slide like a snake transitive verb : to cause to slide.

slither verb

to move smoothly over a surface, like a snake. synonym glide. Extra Examples Zack slithered along on his belly. She slithered into the water like a crocodile.


Slither is overwhelmingly a verb meaning 'to slip or slide unsteadily', whereas sliver is a noun meaning 'a thin narrow piece cut off a larger piece'.

Slither - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

Slither means to move in a sideways motion, usually silently. Snakes, of all kinds, slither, from the original snake in the Garden of Eden, ...


to move with a sliding motion, such as a snake: to slither quietly out of the room. to slide along a surface, esp. unsteadily, from side to side.